Geography Around Us

Geography Today
Geography Today, comprising 3 pupil books and skills books, takes a structured, enquiry approach to secondary geography and provides a firm foundation for the Cambridge O Level Pakistan Studies Syllabus.

Global Geography for Pakistan
Global Geography for Pakistan is a modern, 3 book secondary geography course that combines the geography of Pakistan with a strong international, global dimension.

Modern Primary Geography
A 5-book foundational geography course, Modern Primary Geography is based on a well-structured learning scheme, introduces pupils to geography across national and international contexts.

Modern School Atlas for Pakistan

The Environment of Pakistan
O Level
The Environment of Pakistan is a comprehensive textbook written specifically for the Cambridge O Level Pakistan Studies Syllabus 2059/02 and provides in-depth coverage of the syllabus.

The Environment of Pakistan for Cambridge O Level
O Level
This book has been written specifically for students studying the Cambridge IGCSE™ or O Level Pakistan Studies syllabuses (0448/2059).