
Global Geography for Pakistan is a modern, 3 book secondary geography course that combines the geography of Pakistan with a strong international, global dimension.


Key Highlights

  • Introduce students to key geographical concepts in an accessible way, with regular and varied activities to engage them with geographical ideas
  • Provide a balance of physical, human and environmental processes, using a wide range of interesting and modern real-world examples to develop understanding
  • Offer a focus on Pakistan and Asia, while also introducing students to the wider world through up-to-date place studies
  • Develop students’ geographical skills alongside their knowledge and understanding, with regular skills boosts giving additional support for key skills
  • Support students’ geographical knowledge and understanding with welldesigned text at an appropriate level for their age and colourful and up-to-date resources
  • Offer a wide range of geographical information to support learning and stimulate interest
  • Learning further enhanced and extended with corresponding Skills Books
  • Comprehensive Teacher’s Guides aid teacher lesson planning and delivery

Pupil Books

3 Books

Global Geography for Pakistan Pupil's Book 1
ISBN - 1-845223-27-6
Global Geography for Pakistan Pupil's Book 2
ISBN - 1-845223-28-4
Global Geography for Pakistan Pupil's Book 3
ISBN - 1-845223-29-2

Skills Books

3 Books

Global Geography for Pakistan Skills Book 1
ISBN - 1-845223-30-6
Global Geography for Pakistan Skills Book 2
ISBN - 1-845223-31-4
Global Geography for Pakistan Skills Book 3
ISBN - 1-845223-31-4

Teacher Books

3 Books

Global Geography for Pakistan Teacher's Guide 1
Global Geography for Pakistan Teacher's Guide 2
Global Geography for Pakistan Teacher's Guide 3